Nobunaga Deka is a newly introduced manga in the Manga Goraku Issue. Hideki Owada, a well-known mangaka has illustrated this workpiece. In addition Nobunaga Deka is featured in the weekly manga and eventually it will be issued every friday with new entries every time. This small issue has grabbed the audience’s attention as the plot for this manga is quite interesting!! Though, no further information regarding initial release date is announced, fans worldwide intensifies the hype as they have expectations beyond belief!!
Table of Contents
What is Nobunaga Deka about?
Nobunaga Deka has grabbed the reader’s attention due to it’s narrative which depicts a generic cop comedy manga, however the cop is none other than the war machine Oda Nobunaga. You might ask who Oda Nobunaga is?
For the unique element, Oda Nobunaga is an extremely famous medieval Japanese warlord who somehow ended up being a cop in this manga, paired with a female cop/detective. The story describes their adventures. From my objective, I’m looking forward to the future issues of this wild manga!!
Who was Oda Nobunaga?
Oda Nobunaga was one of the major Japanese daimyō during the Sengoku period, whose effort to unify Japan at the end of the 16th century remains indelible in historical memory. He was one of the most important figures in Japanese history and hence came to be called either the “Demon Daimyō” or the “Demon King of the Sixth Heaven,” an image formed from his ruthless techniques and military acumen12.
His initiatives thus set the stage for the ultimate unification of Japan to be undertaken by his successors, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu3. Amongst his other innovations in battle, Nobunaga is known for innovatively using firearms and his support for free trade and civil government reforms.
With the above information, we can understand how interesting and wild this weekly manga can become in the future, with such interesting characters as Oda Nobunaga being the series’ main protagonist.
“Nobunaga Deka” is the most unique and funny approach in manga. Hideki Owada has mixed up the idea of Oda Nobunaga’s historical figure within a modern setting of a cop comedy—stories full of curiosity and fun. With real historical contrast from Nobunaga’s real historical persona and contemporarily done police work, this series is full of unexpected twists and engaging adventures.
With this kind of patience waiting weekly for readers, there is no doubt that “Nobunaga Deka” will become an instant classic among any manga fan, giving the genre a new spin with its ingenious and wild premise. Till then read our article on Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Compilation Movie!! For more information about other famous illustrators and voice actors visit our page BEYOND ANIME AND MANGA .