One Piece chapter 1116 is close at hand, and fans are eager to witness the legend of Joyboy!! However, Nika’s identity breach has dumbfounded fans worldwide. Moreover, previous chapters of One Piece are like the cream of the crop!!
Following Up, many mysteries can be solved in the upcoming chapter 1116!! Though One Piece includes one of the greatest foreshadowing and narrative, chapter 1116 will break the internet with many secrets coming up in the limelight. While the truth lies beside Joyboy’s identity and the void century!! Fanfare awaits how Oda sensei creates an exquisite ending!! Moving forward, we will cover the release date, time, and platforms from where you can read this hype!!
Table of Contents
One Piece Chapter 1116 Release Date and Time

All my NAKAMA’s who are waiting for the bombshell to drop!! Here is the list with release dates and times for different regions!!
- JST: On Monday, 3rd June 2024, at 12:00 AM
- PDT: On Sunday, 2nd June 2024, at 8:00 AM
- CDT: On Sunday, 2nd June 2024, at 10:00 AM
- EDT: On Sunday, 2nd June 2024, at 11:00 AM
- GMT: On Sunday, 2nd June 2024, at 15:00 PM
- ACST: On Monday, 3rd June 2024, at 12:30 AM
- IST: On Monday, 3rd June 2024, at 20:30 PM
Platforms to read One Piece Chapter 1116!!

Fans can witness the upcoming peak on many websites. However, VIZ Media, Shueisha Manga Plus, and Shonen Jump are some of the official websites you can always rely on!! These platforms allow you to access some of the manga content. But you will need a subscription plan to access all content for a particular Manga.
What Happened in OnePiece 1115?

In One Piece chapter 1115, the narrative turns out to be intense and intriguing because of the untangled mysteries hitting the spotlights. Moreover, in Chapter 1115, we discover Dr. Vega-Punk describing the past and the world system. However, this news thunderstruck everyone, whether they were behind the Grand Line or not!! Recalling the past, Chapter 1115 unveils the alliance of 20 kingdoms, which are now eradicated due to the immense power of weapons of destruction. Following up, Vega-Punk also states that the war was a man-made disaster and continued for ages.
Along with this shocking interpretation, the past of Joyboy also becomes the hotshot for Chiper Pol and the World Government. How Joyboy created the ancient era and how the Void Century 900 years ago vanished due to Joyboy’s exile or disappearance.
While Vega-Punk goes on spitting facts about the abolishment of the alliance between 20 kingdoms and the extinction of Void Century, Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro maintains his pace and goes on creating havoc in Egghead Island against Straw Hats and Bonney.
In the last frame of Chapter 1115, we got a glimpse of IMU, so it is for sure that Vega-Punk assumptions turn green, and we are halfway through discovering the main culprit behind the extinction of the Void Century.
In the upcoming chapter, we will witness Vega-Punk’s massive message throughout the world, which might finish with astounding plots. Dr. Vega-Punk may reveal the death of Joyboy and the treasure he left behind!! In addition, Straw Hats will find a route to escape Egghead.
However, it will be a weighty source of distress for the World Government along with the Navy. While the 5 elders’ fight continues at Egghead Island, our crew might head to the final act of the series ELBAF!! The upcoming chapter is going to be a major hit in the ani-manga industry. Till you wait for Chapter 1116, read our major updates on JJK Chapter 261!!